Lo pongo aqui ... "I put it here." That's what I said to the man that I helped at the train station this morning. He was trying to refill his farecard for the train (shown in photo) and he was putting it in the wrong space. I had just used the machine a few minutes prior and knew where to put the card. I showed him the right slot (I tried to tell him, "I put it here" as I showed him the slot.) I helped him to get his card re-filled! YYYAAAYY! I did something helpful. Actually, I said it wrong because I
murmured "pongo aqui" and pointed him to the right spot. I knew that there was a "lo" or "le" in there somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. It was a good experience because last night one of my sista-friends called me from the states and we talked about communication. We discussed that sometimes it can be hard to let your personality show when you can't communicate. So, today was a breakthrough. I wanted to help, and was able to, just a little bit.
Speaking of communication, these posts were supposed to be written in Spanish also. That *may* happen in a few weeks ... we'll see.